Hey lovelies !
Its the middle of the month of January the first month of the year, I hope you guys had a very good New Year's Celebration and that 2015 was a very prosperous year for you guys. It was a bit of a roller-coaster for me. I had my days when I did not want to smile at all and wanted to quit my job and those days when I couldn't stop laughing. Now its time for resolutions/plans. No matter how major or minor its time to make them. Take control of your life.
And so far I've had a very interesting year ( well month since the year just started) and I am more motivated to make this year the best one yet. THINGS WILL HAPPEN!!!
I started by writing lists. Now in the past me and lists have not been the best of friends. I've made lists of lists that usually end up incomplete. But NO MORE! I have made a promise to myself to do everything on my list by year end. Even the smallest things that are very important to me. Like going to the dentist (guys I haven't been in so long its ridiculous), get a check up, renew my passport, so that I can travel, take some evening classes ( that I was supposed to take long time ago), register my business (FINALLY!), and the list goes on. But I'm sure that you get the point. THINGS WILL HAPPEN!
So in the case that I am not able to save as much as I would like to, that I make sure that my money is spent on bettering myself and improving my skills and making my life easier and more enjoyable. I am so motivated right now that sometimes i wish my brain would shut off. The ideas just keep flowing and the list keeps getting longer and the motivation even stronger. In the meantime I'm going to be patient because I know that everything takes time. But I know for a fact that THINGS WILL HAPPEN!!

Until next time,