
UPDATE: Life w/out School, What Next?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hey guys, 

So great news!! I'm almost finished at University!!!!! (praise Jah). Yes yes that is the reason for my prolonged absence (for those who were wondering). I was so miserable there, I can not wait to get out. But to be honest, it wasn't that bad because i got to meet new people and form new relationships and all that other good stuff. I got closer to some people which is a great thing. The only thing I didn't really like was actual SCHOOL. Like going to classes, doing homework and actually trying to learn something and be interested. Some stuff was boring and other subjects were fun (kinda). 

I am just tired and over school, I'm not passionate as some other people who are eager to learn learn learn. When i just want to get out, out, out!! I have been going to school for about 17 years and I AM DONE!! I'm convinced that I'm just not made for school. 

The bad news is that now i have to look for a job because i have responsibilities (bleh). I mean, yea i wanna make money but who likes paying bills?? Exactly no one!! but ya know that is the reason we all go to school so we can learn, get a good job and be comfortable with life and do all the things we love with the people we love. No one wants to struggle through life, unless you really like being poor or you like the struggle (which is unheard of).

But we all know everything takes time plus I still have alot of growing to do. I don't think we are ever done growing or learning, school or otherwise. But i think i'm ready to get out there.This is what we were born to do. right? I'm ready for life!! So BRING IT!!


So until next time 
xoxo Kei

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