
In my Tiny Closet: Mummy's Closet!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hey Lovelies! 

Hope you had a great weekend.
Today in my tiny closet is a skirt from Mummy's closet. SHHHH!

I love it!! Its a brown skirt with pockets.

I paired it with this bralet I made. It was so easy, its ridiculous. All you need is piece of cloth for the front and elastic bands for the back.

And once again I'm wearing my interchangeable denim jacket and my fedora with some silver hoop earrings and brown flats.

Now you know I wouldn't be me if I didn't take a million and one photos and got my model on...HEY!!
Mix it up. Kayenar Style.
 Until Next time
xoxo Kei!


Happy 8 Month Nappiversary to Me!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hey Lovelies!

Another hair update. Its been 8 months since I did the big chop on my hair in 2012. Check out my journey so far!

 From here...

To here!

Until next time 
xoxo Kei!


Kayenar Designs:All Denim Everythang!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hey Lovelies!

Today's outfit is all denim patch clothing, original Kayenar Designs.

You guys have seen the denim patch skirt from a previous post, but I paired it with a denim peplum top with a cut in the back. A nice addition to the collection.

Well since this is summer an all denim ensemble probably wouldn't be very comfortable especially during the day but it may work for the nightime. 
I know, I know I am always in this fedora but I was being lazy with my hair, so if you see it in more posts (which you will) I'm being lazy or I just like how it looks with the outfit...or both. Haha.

I mixed up my denim pieces and I added a bandeau top with an interchangeable racerback jacket to the denim skirt. A gold sequinned belt, some vintage earrings (compliments mummy's jewellery box) and.... 

Kayenar Fabulousness!

Now to get a little more creative with my picture taking and model skills.


Hope you like it! Until next time lovelies...
xoxo Kei!

bow tie

In My Tiny Closet: Kayenar Designs Yellow Bow Tie

Monday, August 12, 2013

Hey Lovelies,

Watch me get my model on guys!Heeeeyy!

In my tiny closet there are several pieces that I have made to add to my Kayenar Designs Collection. Take a look!
Here I am wearing mostly Kayenar Designs!

1.Yellow bow tie

I was just messing around with some pieces of yellow cloth. And I thought the colour was so pretty that i wanted a bow tie (random, I know). But I started putting pieces together, and this is what I came up with. I wanted it a bit fluffier to get the big bow effect (if ya get me). So I have plans to revamp it.

2. high waisted denim patch skirt

I had alot of denim pants and skirts that I know i wouldn't be able to get into anytime soon. I really liked the different textures and shades so I cut them in different sizes and patched it all together. 

3.Floral button-up top

 Now after making a dress with this pretty floral print I decided to make a button-up by imitating another shirt shirt I had. I thought it would look cool to colour block with a pink collar. No measurements, just pins and estimations. (I'm trying to up my measuring game guys lol) . Looks pretty good for a first try though. *pats self on back*

 I paired this outfit with a purple belt and flats along with vintage pearl earrings I 'stole' from my mum's jewellry box. 
                                     And I threw in some nerd glasses cause I felt like.

Until next time
xoxo Kei!


Movie Reviews

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hey Guys!! Its movie review time again!!

This was a good enough prequel to the popular movie Monsters Inc (which came out more than a decade ago btw). In my opinion it wasn't better that the first movie but it was still funny, I give it 7.5 out of 10. But it was good to see how the writers came up with the background to Mike and Sully's relationship.

 Oooh! This was a romantic/drama/mystery (I 
guess) which starred the heart throb Josh Duhamel aka guy from Transformers aka Fergie's husband/baby daddy (lol). He acted alongside Julianne Hough (from Footloose) and Cobie Smulders aka Robin Scherbatsky from the hit V series How I Met Your Mother.

 The plot followed Katie (Julianne) who was trying to escape her past and found a quiet town where she could start over. She unexpectedly began to fall for Alex (Josh) and his kids. But little does she know, her dangerous past is haunting her future.

This was another stupid movie by Seth Rogen. But stupid in a good way (lol). It was just one of those movies that doesn't really make any sense whatsoever, but it is just there for your entertainment and most of it is completely fictional.

One of the few fictional movies where actors actually played themselves. Like Seth Rogen was Seth Rogen, Emma Watson was Emma Watson, Rihanna was Rihanna, and so on and so get the gist. Every once in a while I like to enjoy a "stupid movie".

Now this movie feature some bad ass actresses who are ridiculously funny. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy! BOOM! These women brought tears to my eyes in this movie, from laughing!!

 This Rated R comedy was about two totally opposite cops who are brought together by the same case for the same reason. Initially they can't stand each other but they found that as they got deeper into their investigations they began to form a close relationship.

So if you haven't watched any of these movies yet, be sure check them out!

Have a fabulous day! Until next time
xoxo Kei


Crop Over Diaries 2013

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Hey guys! Happy August!!

AH TYAD BOI!! Its been a busy and tiring weekend here in Barbados because it was our "las lap" of our Crop Over Festival for this year 2013. And I have to say that I have had a safe and enjoyable crop over season. 

But it has been ridiculously long and tiring last lap. 

Friday I went foreday morning jump up on Spring Garden Highway to watch the revellers, came home at 10 in the morning slept went to a lime with some friends at 7 pm came home around 1 am then Sunday night I went to the big Cohoblopot event (which was really good), got home about 4 am then back out Monday morning for Grand Kadooment as the final event of the season.

Phew!! my feet are killing me!! :(

I was on my feet for basically for the whole weekend walking up and down. But I have to say that it was worth it.

Three of the simple outfits I wore this season.

The only disappointing part of the season was the fact that some people cannot control themselves.Why can't people just go out and enjoy themselves without fighting?? It was very upsetting and disappointing.

But all in all I think it was a very good Crop Over season and I look forward to next year. Hopefully I get to participate even more, who knows! ;)

Don't think my feet would enjoy that though lol

Take a look at some of the video I managed to take at Cohoblopot this year.

Until next time.
xoxo Kei


What fashion means to me...

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Hello my lovelies,

On a more personal note...

From the time I was small I remember I used to like dressing up in these cute outfits my mum made me. As I got a little older I wanted to dress myself and I would be upset when my mummy wanted me to wear something I didn't like or wasn't comfortable wearing and sometimes is would cry.

Then when I became a teenager I was in that phase where I wanted the clothes and things everyone had, but my parents couldn't really afford because at that time they had other priorities which I understood. But now that I am becoming a woman and still not being able to get some of the things I want, fashion means so much more to me.

  • means being and accepting who I am. 
  • is celebrating my creativity- it has helped me to spend alot less on things I don't really need. 
  • has taught me that its okay to be different than everyone else and be my own person. 
  • continues to teach me to be confident in my own skin and love my body and myself because there is no other like me.
  • has taught me that learning never stops and even though I may not have the highest degree in the most prestigious field, my ideas are still important, I am smart and I deserve to be heard.

Most of all I believe fashion is limitless, it has no boundaries and it allows me the opportunity to express the way I'm feeling at that moment and not one person in the world can tell me that the way I dress and express myself is wrong. 

Fashion to me has different moods, you can dress flirty, girly, elegant and classy, lazy, sexy, comfortable, retro, urban, fifties, eighties,modern,royal,....

Fashion does not discriminate based on race, gender sexuality, religion, size, etc. 


So what does fashion mean to you?

Xoxo Kei

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